
Pitcher List Live Streamed Mock Draft #2

We held our second live-streamed mock draft last night. Watch the stream here!

Each week as we cruise to opening day, I’m hosting a live-streamed Mock Draft with 11 other members of the Pitcher List staff. It’s a fun way to test strategies and get a better sense of ADP while talking fantasy baseball with readers for two hours.

We’re holding these on Monday or Tuesday each week, with the second of the season taking part last night. (#3 will be at 7:45pm EST on Tuesday, March 6th)

After each draft, we’ll have articles for various members of the team, analyzing their mock draft and giving detailed reports of why they made the picks they did. Check back here through the week as I’ll update this post with each new article.

Here are the details for this week’s draft:

Here’s the final Draft Board.

12-Teamer, H2H, 5×5, 23 rounds.

    Nick Pollack

    Founder of Pitcher List. Creator of CSW, The List, and SP Roundup. Worked with MSG, FanGraphs, CBS Sports, and Washington Post. Former college pitcher, travel coach, pitching coach, and Brandeis alum. Wants every pitcher to be dope.

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