Pitches thrown inside the strike zone / Total pitches
Location of pitches located armside of the pitcher regardless of height and on/off plate
Location of pitches located middle horizontally regardless of height and on/off plate [e.g. down-middle, high, middle, heart of the plate, bounced middle]
Location of pitches located gloveside of the pitcher regardless of height and on/off plate
Location of pitches located high of the batter regardless of in/out location and on/off plate
Location of pitches located middle vertically regardless of in or out and on/off plate [e.g. middle-in, middle-out, heart of the plate]
Location of pitches located low of the batter regardless of in/out location and on/off plate
Location of pitches located inside of the batter regardless of height and on/off plate
Location of pitches located outside of the batter regardless of height and on/off plate
Pitches located exclusively middle-middle
The Year. You don't need me.
You know, the team.
Rate of pitches thrown in 0-0, 0-1, 1-0, 1-1 counts
Rate of pitches thrown in 2-0, 2-1, 3-0, 3-1 counts
Rate of pitches thrown in 0-2, 1-2, 2-2, 3-2 counts
Balls In Play / Pitches [only 0-0, 0-1, 1-0, 1-1 counts]
(Swings + Called strikes) / Pitches [only 0-0 counts]
True F-Strike % = (Swings + Called strikes - BIP) / Total pitches [only 0-0 count pitches]
Called strikes / Total pitches [only 0-0, 0-1, 1-0, 1-1 counts]
O-Swing % only in two-strike counts
Putaway Rate % [how often a two-strike pitch results in a strikeout]
The Year. You don't need me.
You know, the team.
Pitches thrown
Average Pitch Level Value [Grants a value from 0-10 based on pitch's qualities, not its results]
Quality Pitch rate [Percentage of pitches that earn at least a 5.5 PLV]
Average Pitch rate [Percentage of pitches that earn between a 4.5 and 5.5 PLV]
Bad Pitch rate [Percentage of pitches that earn less than a 4.5 PLV]
Quality minus Bad Pitch rate [QP% - BP%]
Percentage of pitches that are in the zone and earn less than a 4.5 PLV
Hitter Performance faced [a performance value given to a hitter rooted in the PLV they saw]
Total hits - Total expected hits predicted by PLV
Pitch Level Average (Converts PLV into an ERA metric)