Zach Britton’s Fastball vs. Jakob Junis’ Slider

Voters elected to go with whiffs over sneaky strikes in each of these two pitches’ first round bouts, but there are only swings-and-misses left to vote for in Round 2....

Voters elected to go with whiffs over sneaky strikes in each of these two pitches’ first round bouts, but there are only swings-and-misses left to vote for in Round 2. Does the heavy break at 97mph of Zach Britton’s Fastball get your vote or has Jakob Junis‘ Slider won you over with its ability to bring batters to their knees?
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Zach Britton’s Fastball vs. Jakob Junis‘ Slider

Which was the better pitch? Vote to decide which pitch advances to the next round!
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Nick Pollack

Founder of Pitcher List. Creator of CSW, The List, and SP Roundup. Worked with MSG, FanGraphs, CBS Sports, and Washington Post. Former college pitcher, travel coach, pitching coach, and Brandeis alum. Wants every pitcher to be dope.

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