Where Are They Now? A 2018 Draft Retrospective Pt. I

LaMar Gibson (@InsideFastball) analyzes the 2018 MLB Draft

On the Farm – LaMar Gibson (@InsideFastball) looks back this week and reviews the first half of the 1st round in the 2018 MLB Amateur Draft, breaking down players selected, where they stand 4 years later fantasy-wise and what the future could hold for them.

  • Welcome (1:00)
  • Picks #1 – 17 
  • Mailbag! (54:15)
  • Signoff (59:45)

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LaMar Gibson

A lifelong Baltimore Orioles fan that still hasn't forgiven Jeffrey Maier, Tony Fernandez, the 2014 Royals, or Edwin Encarnacion...and has no interest in doing so in the foreseeable future. You can read more of LaMar's thoughts by subscribing to his free monthly newsletter, Inside Fastball, for all things prospects.

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