
The 4 Best MLB Moments From Sunday

Fun in and out of the stadium this Sunday.

Happy Birthday Blasts!


The Tampa Bay Rays are on fire right now – four straight wins makes it a 15-1 record over the past 16 games and nobody celebrated more than birthday boy, Brett Phillips. Phillips blasted a solo home run in the fifth inning to stretch out his team’s lead.


It was written in the stars, obviously, as just a few pitches prior Phillips was showing the camera some love – blowing a kiss and telling us all he loves us. Haha!


Phillips wasn’t the only Rays player who brought the joy on Sunday. Everyone’s favorite Korean first baseman Ji-Man Choi is simply riding the wave right now.


And, it sure did please his faithful audience!


We Heart Kids Who Heart Baseball


Is there anything better than the absolute thrill of a young person going to the ballpark with his glove in the hope of catching a ball? Well, this foul ball off the bat of Ty France was absolutely smoked to a young man in the upper deck who made no mistake with the grab. Just look at the joy…


Over & Out!


It is a moment that will follow Dallas Baptist University’s first baseman Cole Moore around for the rest of his natural life. Talk about putting your body on the line to make an out for your team. Out of this world…and out of the stadium no less! Bravo!


Swing Away!


The sound of the baseball being smashed into the seats is the only thing your ears need on a Monday morning…


Photo by Icon Sportswire | Adapted by Justin Paradis (@JustParaDesigns of Twitter)

Benjamin Haller

A Yorkshireman living in Australia, loving Major League Baseball from afar. As I wait for my A's to build their new stadium, I spend my time coaching soccer, writing for sportbc.blog, and over-analyzing relief pitcher scoring in fantasy baseball. Follow me @benjaminhaller1 for thousands of retweets

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