
The 5 Best MLB Moments from Thursday

Fans are slipping all over the place!

Ah, Thursday. It wasn’t a full slate of games, but it sure did feel like one, with another emotional Dodgers/Padres battle (seriously, when are they going to have a boring blowout game?), the Mariners winning yet another game, an absolute barnburner in Phoenix between the Reds and the Diamondbacks, and plenty of fans hilariously slipping and falling in the stands. As will.i.am would say, Bring the action!


Mr. Bigglesworth Attends a Ballgame

Look, I love baseball. I’m happy to watch it pretty much any time and pretty much anywhere. Baseball is especially fun to watch at a ballpark. But if I could go to a ballpark and pet an animal to deal with the stress of watching my favorite team? I think I might die of happiness. How much better can it get than the home team winning and you have a cute animal in your arms?!?

Plus, the rabbit is wearing a frickin’ bowtie!!!!

I hope the Giants sell carrots or celery at one of their concessions stands. Teams generally don’t allow you to bring food into ballparks — especially carrots and celery — so I assume they had to find something for the little guy in the stadium. If there’s anywhere that sells healthy, organic foods at the stadium, it has to be at Oracle Park in San Francisco.

P.S. Thanks to PL Staffers Callen Elslager and Asher Dratel for calling this one to my attention.


Marwin Has to Retire After This

Look, hitting is hard. Pitchers are throwing harder than ever and they’re being far more deceptive than ever. They’re also throwing mind-bending, physics-defying (not really) pitches that are pretty hard to track from 60 feet, 6 inches away. So, I get it. But Marwin Gonzalez really took the L on this one, not only striking out but also taking the brunt of the pitch off of his left quad. Embarrassing.


He Ran for the Ball and Chipped

There are few things that can produce the same exhilaration as catching a home run ball, especially when it comes from a player on your favorite team. This man recognized that and tried to sprint for the ball, hopefully with the ultimate goal of handing it to his son just a few seconds later. Unfortunately, that meant he lost his very expensive nachos in the process.

Also sad:

I’m really glad they were able to hug it out at the end. Too bad for both the dad and his kid, but at least the kid has something to hold over his dad’s head for the rest of his life, right?


Matt Vasgersian is Having Fun, This Fan is Not


Now that we’re a couple of weeks into the season, I’m starting to realize how many things we truly missed out on last year by not having fans in the stands. It probably happens all the time — and the fans at Phillies games will boo you each time it happens — but when fans wipe out running for a foul ball or a home run, it just makes me laugh every. single. time. Here, it got Matt Vasgersian laughing and even pointing it out again for the fans at home. It seems like the equivalent of The Simpsons’ Nelson Muntz pointing and laughing at someone.

I’m sure Dylan Bundy would have found this funny if he could have seen it on the broadcast. What’s not to love?



Taylor Trammell Goes Dancing

Presented without context nor comment:


Now get out there and watch some more baseball! Happy Friday!


Photo by Icon Sportswire | Adapted by Justin Paradis (@JustParaDesigns of Twitter)

Adam Sloate

Die-hard Angels fan since birth; misses the good ol' days of Vladdy, Kendrys, and Weaver. Temple University alumnus, UCLA Law student.

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