Every morning, the We Love Baseball crew reviews the Nastiest Pitches from the previous day’s games in glorious high-definition GIFs. We want to bring you the highest caliber of nastiness possible, so if you see a nasty pitch, please tell us about it. You can tweet @PitcherList to let us know and we’ll give you a shout-out here in the article if your tip makes the cut.
As a bonus for PL+ members, let us know about a pitch on the PL+ Discord in the Nasty Pitches Channel, and if your suggestion is included the next day, you’ll be entered into a weekly drawing for a free T-shirt!
J.P. Feyereisen’s Changeup
This pitch is reminiscent of Diego Castillo’s sinker in April that was a Nastiest Pitch of the Month runner-up. However, that pitch was nearly 10 MPH faster and had an incredible slo-mo to go with it. We were not blessed with a slo-mo for this pitch from J.P. Feyereisen and I want my money back.
Robbie Ray’s Slider
Robbie Ray doesn’t throw the nastiest slider. It’s a lot more effective as a pitch against opposing batters than it is as a visual display of nastiness. The camera angle in Toronto doesn’t help, of course, but this one dropped so much at the last moment that it was too good not to include.
Luis Castillo’s Changeup
I usually try to avoid pitches in the dirt on these articles but the slo-mo of this Luis Castillo changeup was too good not to include.
Corbin Burnes‘ Sinker
Corbin Burnes, the frontrunner for NL Cy Young, threw a few pitches that were worthy of consideration here. However, this backdoor sinker that painted the corner for the strikeout against Buster Posey was a work of art.
Devin Williams‘ Changeup
I am contractually required to include a Devin Williams changeup in Nastiest Pitches anytime he takes the mound. I took an oath and signed a blood contract, I cannot go back on that.
Blake Treinen’s Slider
Just like I can’t have a Nastiest Pitches article without Devin Williams, I also can’t put one together without Blake Treinen. His slider is currently my favorite pitch in baseball. Is this the nastiest one he’s ever thrown? No, but don’t tell that to Freddie Freeman.
Corey Kluber’s Changeup
It takes a pretty filthy pitch to make the game’s best hitter pitcher player look this silly, and sure enough, this changeup from Corey Kluber is nasty.
Featured image by Justin Paradis (@JustParaDesigns of Twitter)