
Ranking All of Today’s And Tomorrow’s SP Matchups – 9/24 & 9/25

Nick Pollack ranks every starting pitcher matchup for today's and tomorrow's games.

Here are your morning rankings for today’s starting pitcher options.

It’s not perfect and will be far from the actual results at the end of the day, though it should give guidance for those questioning who to slot into your lineup on a given day.

There is a second table for tomorrow’s starting pitcher matchups as well, helping everyone get a jump on their nightly pickups. Please note that these matchups are subject to change, though, and there will be times when I have the incorrect pitcher going. I thank you for your future understanding.

Pitchers highlighted in yellow = Possible streaming options.

FS = False Starter where there is an assumed opener actually starting the game.

Red = Postponed.


Today’s Starting Pitcher Rankings

Today’s Starting Pitcher Rankings

Tomorrow’s Starting Pitcher Rankings

Tomorrow’s Starting Pitcher Rankings

(Photo by Stephen Hopson/Icon Sportswire)

Nick Pollack

Founder of Pitcher List. Creator of CSW, The List, and SP Roundup. Worked with MSG, FanGraphs, CBS Sports, and Washington Post. Former college pitcher, travel coach, pitching coach, and Brandeis alum. Wants every pitcher to be dope.

7 responses to “Ranking All of Today’s And Tomorrow’s SP Matchups – 9/24 & 9/25”

  1. Sam says:

    How do you feel about JV and Cole this weekend in QS leagues? ALDS Games 1/2 aren’t until Friday/Saturday of next week, so they’ll both have an extra day of rest following a normal rotation turn

    • Nick Pollack says:

      I’d imagine their performances for ratios/strikeouts will still make them worthwhile even if they don’t last six frames.

      They could still go six frames as well – it’ll be more about their pitch count than the IP.

  2. Frankie says:

    My original plan was to stream A Young on Monday and M Kelly on Weds. But I am shell-shocked after last night. Is M Kelly still a strong stream tomorrow (v Wacha)? It’s Kelly or Tony Disco Friday @ PIT.
    Ugh… Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sipping wine coolers.

    • Rich says:

      I’m definitely not Nick or Alex, but unless you’re desperate for K’s, which even then I don’t know how many you’ll accumulate in the start, Kelly would be a hard pass for me.

      I’m in 1st in both a 14 team roto and in the finals of a 12 team H2H and for what it’s worth, I didn’t bite on either knowing the Cards still need to close the door on the Brewers and PG playing back at Chase didn’t sit well.

      • Frankie says:

        My short list of streamers this week is: Kelly, Musgrove, Civale, Desclafani in order of appearance. I used most of them throughout the year to some success, but not without their share of total meltdowns — the nature of streaming I guess.
        Thanks for the input, Rich. You like the other 3 much more I take it?

  3. John Meo says:

    Do you believe Gibson will go more than 2 ip? It seems hia last few outings where very short.

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